Something New Arising within and It's Adding a Necessary New Layer to Community

First written June 27, 2023

Something new is arising within me and it is signaling a certain level of completion to a cycle. This cycle could be specific to me, but I doubt it.

Do you feel it too?

Here’s what I’m experiencing right now. I have spent years DEEP in it. In the shit, so to speak. I’ve been drudging up my baggage, looking at it, putting love on it, and learning how to either roll with it with radical compassion and/or make new choices. Often the new choice has been to relax back into loving myself and accepting whatever might be happening at the time. It seems to be a muscle that was atrophied for me, for a very, very long time. Now that it’s been exercised to the point of not vanishing the moment I forget to use it, it is unlocking miracles. It may be the super power siddhi that is hiding within every human being. Of course, it’s simple, of course it’s anything but complicated, but that does not mean it is easy. Loving ourselves, trusting ourselves, honoring ourselves, valuing ourselves, listening to ourselves, to our inner guidance, and having faith in our steps, knowing that we are all divinely guided if we ask for it, if we count on it, if we intend it. It truly does all boil down to intention and attention. Two components of love.

By no means do I think I’ve completed this entire process, of course not. There will always be more to love, more to accept, and, as always, patience with the process or processes. But I’ve moved enough of the “stuff” out of the way to finally see daylight breaking through. Awareness has shined enough within my being to begin to shine without. Information I used to get worked up about, frightened over, angry, overwhelmed, helpless, and hopeless, now shows up in a new light. Yes, I feel the gravity of our situation. Yes, I have to pause and take a deep breath with the mountain we are all about to embark upon climbing (or moving), but now I feel I have the tools needed to sherpa the way.

Here’s a more concrete example: my part in our changing environment, our changing world. I’ve contributed to it, I’ve fought against it, I’ve been eager and willing to change and I’ve been apathetic and hopeless in feeling there’s nothing I can do to change things. In the new paradigm shift ahead, with the world around us changing so drastically it will likely alter every aspect of how we live. I have been feeling like I don’t have the tools or skills to contribute anything of substance - I don’t grow gardens very well, I wouldn’t know how to survive off the land, I can’t hunt or fish, I can’t whittle or make things, I don’t know how any machinery works, and I wouldn’t even know where to begin or who to turn to. My house does not have solar panels, I do not compost, I recycle, but when I’m feeling overwhelmed by the mess in my house I tend to dump things I haven’t cleaned out yet into the trash. I could go on. I’ve spent my whole life fighting for helping the environment and I’ve spent my whole life adding to the problems.

You know what doesn’t help? Feeling guilty about it, feeling like I don’t add anything to our collective, feeling like I should be ashamed of myself, feeling like we’ve already lost the battle, being afraid of the changes to come. It’s a delicate balance - learning what’s happening and what might happen, staying informed, and not going into a state of panic.

What’s shifting for me now? I am re-informing myself and when I feel the overwhelm rise in me, I remind myself we’re going to be ok, that we’re all in this together. And that’s the key - TOGETHER. If we act like there’s an us and them, then we die. If we respond to each other out of compassion and cooperation, then we don’t just survive, no, we THRIVE.

What do I add? What am I able to offer to this situation? My answer may surprise you. I have started building a new layer to a community that already exists and is already connected: My neighborhood. I’m here to remind everyone living around me that we are deeply connected, that we need each other, and that communion isn’t just healthy or feel-good, but absolutely necessary. We are here to rise together and the best way to do that isn’t just being able to provide for the physical needs of yourself and others, but the mental, emotional, and spiritual needs as well.

It’s time to recreate the village. To start to form centers for gathering not just for casual socializing, not just in coming together to solve problems, but to connect from our deepest places. To build love, to look into one anothers’ eyes and accept, embrace, enjoy, and become enthusiastic about each other and ourselves. Recognizing that we all have a service we can offer, because we don’t need 8 billion farmers, we don’t need 8 billion wood workers, 8 billion inventors; we need what each and every one of us has to offer because we fit together like puzzle pieces. We are becoming the hive of bees, each of us providing for the whole - a hive mind. We are a family.

I’ll be the bee that goes out looking for the perfect container for all of us to be held in and then do my best dance to raise awareness about it and get us all voting and moving as one. That’s one of the bees! Do they collect pollen and work like all the other bees in the busy home? Sure, probably, but this one has a dance that really gets the others going! What could be more necessary than that? Just one bee in the hive who’s enthusiasm is contageous. Do we all need to have the most contageous dance moves? Nope. We each have our own special offerings to the world. Each with a seat at the table. Harmony in just showing up with whatever it is we each have to offer.

Validation: You are loved [What I’m most wanting to hear/say with alignment to Truth]

Validation: You are loved [What I’m most wanting to hear/say with alignment to Truth]

Close-up of a feather in all its fractal glory

I often find myself getting caught up in a certain kind of yearning; a neediness to receive more from others in the form of external validation. I act as though I need to be told I’m ok and that I am loved. What’s funny about this is I can know that the only validation I need comes from within - that all I have to do is give myself the love I need and that all will be well. I can even get pretty good at practicing this, but that doesn’t mean the old wounding just goes away. I’ve gained space from it, or, rather, I’ve expanded well beyond it, but it doesn’t mean it’s gone. The point is not to get rid of our hang-ups, triggers, short-comings, or flaws, the point is to learn to love them enough that we rise above them and release our mutual grip from each other, no longer being ruled by each other. I may no longer live a life ruled by the need for validation from others - becoming hopelessly depressed, angry, and resentful for the long lapses of time between compliments - but I still feel it show up when I’m at my most vulnerable. These days, we’re all feeling pretty vulnerable, I have no doubt.

I try to find comfort in the idea that I am not perfect and none of us are. I tell myself I do not wish to be perfect. Then I wonder - what is perfect? Isn’t it just some ideal in various social human patterning? If I sit in my heart and enter the present moment fully - breathing a sigh of relief in my arriving - I realize I am my ideal. Right here, right now, in this moment, I feel my abundant love for myself and everything that is. All is well, all is perfect - even in its horror, the “horrible beauty” of it all - I see its perfection.

So, I guess I am perfect. I am. I am my perfect. And that is enough. I don’t need to be anyone else’s perfect. Right?

As my thinking starts to spin again it groans that “I long to be someone else’s perfect.” A moment shy of not having the thought automatically kick in (from years of practice, of course), I see on the other side that the external validation I seek is one of the mirror showing me and telling me that I am ok and that I am loved. The world is my mirror - do I not see I’m ok in its reflection? Do i not see I’m loved? What is showing me I’m not? Media, social media? Yep - I know that to be true in my experience.

So what is the balance between the reflections of the world, the external narrative I pick up, and the truth?

I use this as an exercise not just to tell myself how much I love me, but imagining receiving it from a loved one and telling it to a loved one - the beloved (for me, Eric).

I love you. I love you not because of anything. I love you not because I have to, not because of the actions you choose, the words you speak, or anything you feel you can enact in order to affect some kind of shift in how I perceive you, how I love you. The love is the same. The love is what remains when your body utterly wastes away. The love is what remains when your mind no longer cooperates with this reality. The love is what remains when we are apart. You can do or be anything in any amount and it would have no repercussions on my love for you.

Love just is.

I loved you long before I met you and I will love you long after I forget you.

I know a part of you wants to earn my love, for it to have merit, for it to be singular and special, but it just doesn’t work that way, my darling. Love just is. Love has no condition. It is everyone and always, it is full, and it is empty.

We, however, get to come here, in bodies, in the illusion of individuation, the illusion of separateness, and practice love in billions and billions of different ways.

You are special. But that is not the love. There is no why to love. There is no why to love.

I love you because we are here together on this Earth plane. It could have been different in any given way, but it is this right now. It is you and me and all our funny little quirks. I love you here and now and, yes, always. And I always have. And I always will.

Isn’t that wonderful?

You are loved!

Forever, inherently, stupendously


I am so grateful for my life, no matter what it may look like, no matter how anyone else feels about it, no matter how little I do, how little I achieve, how much I rush or run around, how much or how often I stay present and in my heart… dropping all judgments of my old world and all judgments of my new one. My life is beautiful. I am grateful for all of it, just as it is, just as it has been, just as it will be.

I’ve placed 90% of judgments on myself since my initial programming - programming that ran automatically after download - which is to say that I have done most of the heavy lifting. I have been a good student in the school of “and now it’s your turn to beat yourself up for few decades!” Unlearning that takes time. It is a process. And while I unravel the old and weave in the new lines of code, there is an integration period. I am a student of my own integration - holding space for myself to reboot with a new system in place, one which uses a completely different interface and design. It will take time, but it will be well worth it. A gorgeous new hybrid of human and soul, ancient and emerging anew.

I forgive all 90% of the me that judges me. I didn’t know what I didn’t know.

And the 10% of judgments that came from others were mostly one-offs that I adopted as truth for me and my life.

I forgive that as well.

I am not perfect. Whatever that means. I am who I dreamed of, whom I’m dreaming of, and deep down she remembers that.

And is delighted.

All part of the design. Thank god for that. Thank you!

A Living Journal & Imaginations of the Present (with downloadable picture)


What’s here in this moment? A memory of being present with Linden, my baby boy. The other night he woke up and I went in to hold him and give him a little bit to drink from a bottle. He snuggled up and fell sound asleep in my arms with a soft light still on. I began to weep at his beauty and the tenderness of the moment. I gazed at his face and fell deep into my heart, into my overflowing love for him. I was in complete awe of this tiny being, so humbly choosing to be my son in this life. I felt incredibly grateful and incredibly honored to be his mother. I cried and felt into both our mortality. 

At that instant I felt the closing-in begin - I began to grasp at the keeping of this moment, of these circumstances, this arrangement in our infinite relationship, and, instead of surrendering to it, loving into it all the more, I felt the need to maintain it. There is nothing we can keep, nothing we can maintain - not forever. And in the not-foreverness, we must find the balance of nurturing, tending-to, but with a soft and open hand. When we grip down, cling, mourn before it’s over, not just out of love, but out of fear as well, then we become disconnected from the very thing we cherish. 

I returned. I softened. 

I still cried in amazement, but with a gentle smile on my face. 

His face. 

I looked at him and took him in as one whole - not the individual parts alone. As I did so, the geometries behind his perfection began to appear. I feel deeper into them, seeing not just the whole, not just the varied parts of his face - nose, eyes, mouth, cheeks - but I feel between the geometries and into one pore. 

The geometries were stacked high like stones. I found myself standing between pillars on an open plane. The sands of time swirled their blessings around each one. The coursing of energy pulsating up from the ground. I could feel his heartbeat. And the pillars remained tall, ever changing, and yet precisely arranged. I raised up with each undulation of his breathing body and slid down deeper with each exhalation. We weren’t alone. It was the erecting of a monument in his likeness. Not to worship the man he would become, but the divine infant he is. Now. This monument rested in the dark - in what we often refer to as the “void of space,” but nothing could be more full. The darkness was radiant as well. It only needed the spark of energy and intention to coagulate into matter through thoughtforms to become manifest in the light. The light is already everywhere, it just needs the right encouragement to spark. A “yes, and” moment of light and travel. Once upon a time, it did travel, but now it is a matter of recalling it, remembering it, in any given S P A C E. Yes Einstein, and yes Walter Russell. Yes! And…..

As I felt my mind begin to drift away from what was present in this moment, I returned to his face. My emotions having already run their course, I just sat in motherly love, present with my sleeping child. I felt myself reach for those images of the divine mother, trying to make them me or make myself them. No. I am. I am enough. Here and now. I am the divine mother embodied in this moment. 

He is a monument unto himself, every child is and shall be. They are perfection in each and every making. Their potential is infinite. INFINITE. The limits they encounter are placed there by us. We’ve imagined all limits and placed them on ourselves in all manner of creative ways. My mind drifts to Disney, Walt Disney, and what he was going through 100 years ago when he created Mickey. A PUSH for imagination after that. My mind drifts again to Yoko Uno - the inspiration behind John Lenon’s song Imagine. She used imagination to survive when she was a child without a home, hungry, and caring for her little brother (as I understand it). They imagined their food. My mind hops again to the movie Hook and all the little lost boys surviving and THRIVING on their imagined feasts. Once Peter, the adult, was able to see it for himself - see the realness of their imaginings - they exclaimed “you’re playing with us!!”

I begin to cry again. Imagination!! It’s SO powerful. It’s been such a gift to receive the imaginings and stories of others, but perhaps we - - - no, I - - - perhaps I have let others do too much of imagining for me in this life. It’s time I participate in the imagining - in creation and creativity. 

That’s it! The power of imagination can be used to suppress and oppress, just by continuing to tell the stories we already know - what happens next? If you know the answer, then someone isn’t just sharing a creation with you, they’re reiterating a teaching. What is a teaching? A teaching is something we can all be sure of in one form or another. But in a world where the only constant is change, how can we be sure of anything? I recall my old art projects pointing at just that - the absurdity of certainty. 

But there are things we can be certain of besides change. What are they? I am certain that the potential in this child (and in all babies) is absolutely limitless. To protect or to nurture that limitless potential, maybe all I have to do is imagine it being honored and upheld. Maybe entering the present moment is the only healthy kind of imagining. “Healthy.”

My mind skips again. I think of all the diagnosed cases of ADD and how I often feel it in myself - the inability to stay put, to stay present for very long or to focus - my mind activity sweeping me away and eliciting all manner of emotion. When I was a little girl, I thought this kind of daydreaming would help to make me a good little actress. Maybe so. But now I see the older generation in my family succumbing to Alzheimers and dementia - maybe this will increase in occurrence throughout our population. ADD in our youth and early adulthood, until memory loss in old age. It doesn’t have to be this way - are we doing it to ourselves? Are we being torn apart by distraction and dopamine hits? What would the antidote be? I believe the antidote is coming back to presence, to focus, as often as possible, for as long as possible. And, of course, without the needy gripping and fear of what could happen in the future. No. It’s not a means to an end - just an observation. 

So what is it to be present? What is it to stay in the here and now. I’ve heard wonderful guided meditations on this - releasing thoughts of the past and of the future and releasing the need to describe what’s happening now. It’s so freeing and so… forever. 

I’ve experienced presence in a number of ways, though. One version is paired with imagination. It’s the breaking down of the solidity of this reality and entering all the layers of realities, dimensions, and empty space that lies within the here and now. It’s all present. We can only create from the present. So, in fact, being present doesn’t always have to be a slowing down into stillness, observation, and breathing. It may always need to begin with that, who knows, but there is a deepening within it. There is a canyon that opens up, a rhythm that reveals its beat, and layers that dance to the surface when we’re open enough to receive them. 

I see that my mind danced in and out of presence with the associations each thought brought up - imaginings and events and teachings from the other. And by “other” I mean US! Our imaginings, events, and teachings. They are ours, our birthright. We thrive on them, but we also limit ourselves with them. So what do I see? What is present in me? In the here and now? In front of my eyes, in the presence of the “other,” an innocent, well-connected-to-the-divine, little baby boy. Maybe he’s imagining me? I know he’s fully present. I find it funny when people try to muse at what a baby is thinking - the absurdity of it - they are NOT thinking, thank god. They are present. They are experiencing and absorbing and fully engaged. They have no judgments beyond, “yes  - that!” Or “hmmm not that.” 

I will not limit him with punishment. I will not distract him from his feelings. I will not coax him with addiction. We are all doing the best we can, but I have to admit to myself - I’ve been trying to get my older son to fit a mold, model, and system that I don’t even believe in. I’ve been doing it out of fear and social pressure that isn’t mine - it is not mine and it certainly is not his. He is a happy little boy - why would I push him anywhere away from where he is right now. Absurd, top to bottom. I don’t know how to do it any other way. I will have to imagine another way. I will have to imagine both my boys in their limitless potential. 

As a kid when I was told “you can be anything you want to be” I felt the hollowness of these words. We’ve been enslaved as a species, once again, but in a semi-harmonious way. Tricked back into our cages. That’s ok. That’s O.K. How do we get out of our cages? By imagining a way out. Imagining a potential for ourselves that feels good. And knowing we move into it by seeing it already done. I imagine myself free. I imagine my boys free. They don’t need to be anything they’re not. If I imagine it will be hard, a difficult road, then it will be. But I also know deeply, intimately, that the rough road blesses the journey to some extent. I imagine the journey to be easy, simple, elegant, perfect in its design. We’re human, so of course there is pain, but the lows mold us as much as, if not more than the highs. It’s the inhale and the exhale. We breathe in and we breathe out, as do all things. The entire universe breathes with us. Expansion and contraction. Both need to occur and it is pure perfection. I do not want to limit anyone. I want to set us free. I imagine we can build monuments of light in the dark halls of space just by intending it. My son, our babies, are written in the stars - a reminder to us all. And to us all a chance to remember. 

I remember that moment I was a mother holding my infant son while he slept in my arms. I lived it with every fiber of my being. It is written in light. It is written in love. And it now resides in all our DNA, in every constellation, in every molecular structure of water - may it flow over the earth, be released by fire, and float in the air for us to breathe it in and breathe it out once again. Passing it on generation after generation. It is within. It is without. It is always. It is forever. And it already was.

It was all a memory. I recall it. I remember.

Enter The Dragon [Or transmuting wounds of the collective and not knowing who I am]

Where to begin? And by “begin” I mean, where do I start again (and again and again and again). I have a habit of starting, but not finishing. I have a deeply embedded fear of coming to the end of something, of creating something imperfectly, of…rejection.

There was a time in my youth when I was pretty damn sure I wanted to be an actress. I wanted to be on stage, on tv, on the big screen, I wanted to be seen by the world. I imagined interviews and I imagined dramatic scenes I’d perform. I pictured myself beautiful, desirable, adored, and admired. I wanted to be a triple threat - a dancer, a singer, an actress - and, why not, a model to boot. That dream to some extent faded, but it was also bludgeoned to death. It came face-to-face with how I actually saw myself and how I felt the world was seeing me. It was NOT pretty.

The key words there were the desires beneath the desire. I wanted to be loved. Why was I not feeling loved already? I was taught that to love oneself was “haughty,” conceded, made you a selfish jerk, cocky, and usually made one a selfish brat, high-maintenance prima donna, who no one else could stand to be around. Here lies my mother wound. I was tediously shown what it was to attack oneself with negative talk day-after-day. I was told over and over again that people who fit the above description were insufferable and thought they were “better” than every one else.

Now, this toxic feminine energy, this mother-wound, and universal sister-wound in the collective, was paired with a cultural and wider-familial belief that to be physically beautiful was what gave a woman the highest level of value. You knew you had that high level of value by either being famous for being beautiful, being generally desired by most men, or by being chosen by a highly successful, sought-after, or desirable man. (Hello, deeply confused and traumatizing years of dating and/or desperately trying to manage the opposite sex’s attention and desires. Hello, feeling extremely unsafe in my body, out in the world, being seen.)

Praise and attention was doled out in a constant stream to those who met these attributes. I wanted that praise and attention so badly. I had been painfully rejected over-and-over again by boys in my life, particularly my older brother and his friends. I have big, looming memories of tearfully screaming at his bedroom door after being kicked out, on weekends throughout toddlerhood and into grade school.

My worth, my value as a person, as a girl, was wrapped up in wanting to be seen and no longer shunted to the side, rejected. It felt important that I be seen as beautiful, desirable, the center of attention, known for my beauty and desirability, but to carefully cultivate it in that ineffable way that didn’t look like I was TRYING to get attention or that I relied hopelessly on the validation of others in order to feel ok, in order to feel loved, in order to feel my own inherent value.

This all meant- ah-ha! - I must become a celebrity so that I can prove to everyone just how lovable and wonderful I am without having to tell them or make them see all of that one person at a time. It was a career I wanted to pursue out of the depths of my deepest wounding as a child and my most toxic conditioning. It was an impossible set-up for myself; no one can thread that kind of needle, not without enduring a great deal MORE suffering in the form of rejection and fully releasing from the outcome. All I had was a tight grip on what I wanted the outcome to be, which was celebrity actress and not a deep abiding love for the craft. It was a recipe for disaster - or - brass tax - a recipe for freezing in place, unable to move, unable to bear being viewed as anything other than perfect. Anger swept in - short-temperedness. Self-loathing hit me like a tidal wave. I was crippled with negative self-talk. I assumed everyone talked to themselves that way, the same way my mom openly talked about herself.

This career track, destined to fail, met some success and then met the inevitable wave of rejection. I could not handle the rejection. I tried to play it off, not tell too many people what I wanted to do, what my hopes and dreams were, and inside I was crushed and drowning in self-doubt. I punished my body, I beat myself up in mentally, emotionally, and physically. I was regularly cruel to myself. It was all I knew from myself for a very long time - a kind of violence. I was ashamed of speaking my dream into existence because I couldn’t bear anything less than complete and utter support. I needed to be propped up by external validation constantly for me to be sure I was ok.

I abandoned the dream, ran screaming from the rejections that made me feel lower than low, which lead to more self-abuse, which lead to my body physically breaking down, which lead to more self-loathing and even more hiding my true desires. I pushed them down deep, where I was sure no one could detect them in me. I pretended I had other dreams and desires. On more than one occasion I picked up the dreams and desires of the people I dated - craving deeper intimacy and wanting to ensure approval. “Just tell me you love me, that you think I’m beautiful, and that you can’t live without me and I’ll do whatever it is that ensures those things!” HA! I genuinely thought that by molding myself to the people I was with would ensure they wouldn’t leave me or reject me, when really the most attractive thing about a person is a passion or practice they pursue on their own. I was so lost.

I tried to seek what it was I really wanted in life. What did I want to do with my life!? And the harder I thought about it, the further away it felt. I had no idea who I was. I had no idea what it was I wanted. It is something many people have had to reconcile within themselves as they wake up to the lack inherent in the flashiness of the consumerist way of life - the lie that happiness lies outside of yourself. After 20-35 years of genuinely not understanding what it is I want in this life, the tedious work of self-reflection, inner work, shadow work, what have you, has finally begun to bear fruit. I know who I am now. I think I know what I want. At least, I know big picture what I want, and letting it condense into this 3D existence is beginning to coalesce into real-world, human-ing terms (meaning when someone asks what is I do or want to do as a career I don’t just answer “I AM!” and go frolicking off into the sunset.)

There is no substitute for inner work. Believe me, I wish there was. I tried aaaalll the short cuts. I often still try them when I’m feeling a little overwhelmed or depleted. “Mini work” in the form of all the wellness and relaxation techniques. They’re important to have in one’s life, they are, but they need to be paired with looking at one’s own life - the major work. That is done by noticing what shows up in your life now - what triggers you? what habits or patterns do you do that don’t feel great? What drains you of energy? What gets you energized? What do you wish you had more of? What do you wish you had less of? What frustrates you in your relationships? What frustrates you in your social interactions? What is your stress response in various situations? What helps you feel grounded, centered, and alive? Where did these aspects begin? What early memory comes up when you think about certain uncomfortable emotions? What are you avoiding feeling?

I’m tempted to say “the work is never done” or that it’s never-ending, which there may be some truth to that, but even a few rounds of this looking-into-oneself will lead to a feeling of spaciousness in one’s experiences. Things won’t get under the skin in quite the same way. That doesn’t mean once we process, for example, how the fear of rejection shows up in our lives, and has been running the show on the DL for decades, that we’re over it forever. Nah. What it really means is that when it comes up again in our lives, we experience it differently, with a little more grace, space, and love. We learn to love ourselves and all our flaws - we accept. When we accept ourselves and our most difficult-to-love parts, they loosen, and we begin to outshine the flaws.

Times up for today! This has been a round of live-journalling and processing. Thank you for tuning in. Tune in to your own experience now. How does it feel to be rejected? How do you respond to it? Where does it show up in your life? What, if anything, do you do to avoid it?

Much love!



The Cosmic Egg, The Amniotic Sac - "Accept it all and we can all go home"

Fingers typing directly in rhythm and communication with my heart, with the om - the proverbial and primordial om - the vibration of life that moves through us all. Is this not the amniotic sac? Is this not the substance that we exist within, gyrating and jittering so that each and every one of us is affected deeply, profoundly. The vibration is energy and it moves us because we move each other. We are part of a “one.” We are the cells within a larger organism and, in knowing that and accepting it, we realize that within this gelatinous, electric, dendritic system, we manifest every single aspect of our lives. Collectively. We design ourselves and, in doing so, we design each other, our reality, as it appears in front of us, through distant signals. 

Am I coming in clear? 

Can you see me? 

Can you hear me? 

Am I reaching you?

I feel the meticulous design of every pulse and impulse.

I am this. 

I am that. 

I am not this, I am not even this 


I consume myself. I consume it. Then I leave this body and continue on to the next. My life is a show that rotates before me in a beautiful dance. Often chaotic, but then there emerges this other life, within the current one, and I can be there, within it, instantaneously. I lived it. It was long ago, but it can also be now. Nothing exists in the goo. It may all be screentime, all of it. It all happens at once and it plays out before us, but time is meaningless, just a way of looking closer. We are looking closer and closer, are we not? 

I sift and seek through the sands of a duneless beach on the gulf. My eye trained to detect and retrieve fossilized shark teeth. I spend hours searching, head buried in the sand. I look out to the horizon and incorrectly picture distant lands and peoples. I dance in the sheer nightgown my grandmother hand-stitched for me. They stay in all day, backs to the beach, with thick curtains keeping the sun from interrupting long viewings of the television.

This is paradise.

I seek throughout my life. For what? I have no idea. I miscarry and I drive 2 hours and hike 2 hours to walk a beach that was once an ancient sea, looking for shark teeth on a new turf. I cover my childhood walls with photographs of my friends. I cover my adulthood walls with photographs of surfaces, looking for something hidden deep inside. The micro in a macro lens. As above, so below. What is reflected in one thing is reflected in all things. I try desperately to use my senses, my looking, to find myself stepping through a portal into deeper meaning, my purpose, my truth. It will not come in words. It will not come. And so I imagine new space, new open space beckoning me on. Longing and calling and answering the call. For what? For what? It’s a rorschach test. I am the subject. I don’t need to get out of my own way; I need to stop censoring myself. Allow the thoughts to be clouds passing over the sky of my consciousness, my witness. I witness me. 

I witness this life. I am here, I am now, I am eternal, but not in the way that I think. Because that’s just it, thinking is inherently not who you, or I, are. Nothing will ever be as you thought it was because your first mistake was in thinking at all. That is original sin. We ate of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We deigned to judge this universe and sort it into 2 piles. God, flabbergasted, realizes it must be done, and they accept the judgement of their creation by being the creation, every corner of it. They play it out, both sides, totally and utterly, thoroughly, completely. They are in it all. All of it. Accept it all and we can all go home. Come to accept every single part of yourself, the goo, your other gyrating cells all around you  - all you. The water is thick with veins, the dendritic sequence is following its divine geometry with precision and perfection... as god moves upon the waters. We sing. We flow. We dance. We are Leela. And we shall love it and die and love it all over again. To love every corner before we can finally squeeze through the door to the unknown. Ok, god, we have the final tally. We have it and we finally do not care what it is or what it tells us. Did good win? Did evil win?? Does it matter? It was beautiful. Horribly beautiful.